bas' and 'Oblivion-Textures-Compressed bsa' These two files should be located in your oblivion data folder.. nif' to replace 'Meshes Khettienna CMG Anvil nif' All meshes have been pyffi'd for best performance, all resources have unique file paths, and the plugin has been cleaned with TES4Edit for best compatibility.. It will not gather anything but ingredients
Alternatively, you can open the esp for the mod, simply copy the dark brotherhood robes, and then adjust the stats to be identical to the broken robes in the mod.. If you use, you can go to Utilities - BSA Browser and then open the bsa's and extract the textures and meshes.
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It will only work when you cast the spell It will only work in your current cell, meaning in a very small radius while outside or in the current interior location.. ================================== REQUIREMENTS ================================== Requires the latest official Oblivion patch (1.. I have included resources from GothGirlDanielle's Morning Glory Madness, which I've been looking for a good excuse to use, to allow you to customize the kind of morning glory you see in each city by simply copying & renaming meshes.
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In the mod 'Anvil Morning Glory' by RGMage2, the city walls around Anvil were draped with dramatic panels of Morning Glory.. The included recolor gives different brands a different bottle color All Khett's fault.. bsa [UPDATE] BSAs and You IPS Theme by IPSFocus They are located in 'Oblivion-Meshes.. 2 416 ================= Description: ================= This mod replaces the Beverage textures with newer higher resolution ones, fixes some oddities with the models and makes the unique drinks actually unique.. That's all it does -- but it does it perfectly It will not acquire ingredients from containers or loose ingredients sitting out.. Other options (like BSA unpacker or bsa commander) will also allow you to extract them.. I have included a visual guide so you can easily choose which flowers you want For example, if you want red morning glories in Anvil, copy & rename 'Meshes Khettienna CMG Additional Colors GGDGloryRed.. I loved it so much, that I replicated this work in the other cities that have similar walls: Cheydinhal, Chorrol, and Leyawiin.. This super-simple mod gives you a lesser power to harvest all of the ingredients growing nearby.. It now seems fairly certain that this is caused by a bug in Oblivion's ArchiveInvalidation system itself.
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